So, let’s talk for just a minute about this issue of transgenderism
I know it’s a very controversial subject, but why should it be? The issue of gender is just a matter of science! There are two genders. There is male and female in the human species. This is decided by our chromosomes and by our DNA. This is science; this is not politics. This is not some social construct or social positioning. This is simply factual science.
The problem with the WHOLE transgenderism issue is that it is one more opportunity for mankind to rebel against God and His established order.
He created us male and female. The Bible says that God created man as male and female. Male and female created He them, is how it’s recorded in Genesis chapter 1. Just to say that there is more than male or female, or that male and female is not enough, is to launch a direct attack against God, and His established, created order. This is the same issue with homosexuality of which transgenderism is a sub-variant. Homosexuality is not the created order of God. God created male and female so that they could have families, have a home, have babies and replenish the population of the Earth. Homosexuality comes along and destroys that established order and takes away the possibility of replenishing mankind, because two men cannot have babies, regardless of what people insist on today.
In the same way, transgenderism attacks the biblical order of God’s established creation. There’s a part of me that believes that desire of the left and the world system, the “new” world order, to reduce the population of mankind drastically, plays a role in this as well\. This is something that they have stated publicly! The famous Georgia Guide stones which are no more because someone blew them up, once had as one of its major tenants that the population of the Earth should be no more than 500 million. The reduction of population is a major goal of the left, of the world system of the new world order. With fewer people on the Earth, resources are not used up as quickly, the elite have an easier time of ruling a smaller group of people. It is also an opportunity for the left and the elite in the new world order to establish strict dominance over the smaller population.
So to accomplish this, what do they do?
They push something called abortion! They push abortion all the way to birth! And they also push homosexuality, transgenderism and any opportunity to keep men and women from being able to procreate and carry on the human population! These people are part of what I would call a “death cult”. They are all about death! You can’t say anything other than that when you have over 4000 abortions every day in America alone.
It’s absolutely insane that people are pushing the transgender issue today as they are. Especially when discussing things like, “gender, affirming care“ to minors, and even without acquiring their parent’s consent!
For over 5000 years IF men and women would cross dress, do drag shows, make up and act like the gender that they were not assigned by God at birth, they would have been seen as having a sickness, a mental illness or disorder. In fact, all the way until 2012, the American Psychological Association referred to these lifestyles as a mental illness and disorder! But now, it is being pushed on us as that which we MUST accept, what we must embrace and approve!
When we look at the Word of God, God’s position on these issues is quite clear. Paul‘s teachings in Romans 1 are devastating to the LGBTQIA+++ movement! He says, “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men…” (vs 18); Because they, “hold the TRUTH in unrighteousness”! (Vs. 18). The TRUTH, that which is undeniable (like God created only two genders….) is undeniable and when denied, it’s held in “unrighteousness”!
He goes on to say, “Profession toe be wise, they became fools,”! (Vs 22). I’m led to think about the man, a local city counsel member in a a northern state, that just ‘came out’ as a woman, a lesbian and a person of color. He is NEITHER a woman (and thus cannot be a lesbian), nor is he a person of color. He is a WHITE MAN. He was self congratulating online his “breaking the glass ceiling and women’s barriers”! Professing himself to be wise, he demonstrated just how much of a fool he actually is!
Paul says that they, because of their lusts and uncleanness of heart, dishonored their own bodies (Vs 24). They changed the TRUTH OF GOD into a LIE! And by doing so, showed themselves to be worshipping the creation (themselves) over God (vs 25)!
There are other places in God’s Word that clearly address the foolishness of today! Check out Leviticus 18; Romans 1; 1 Cor. 6; 1 Tim. 4 and 2 Tim. 3. Keep yourself in a systematic, regular study of God’s Holy Word and you will have discernment to recognize these foolish doctrines of demons that are punctuating our world today!
Well, I would prefer to stay with the science! I’d prefer to stay with the Bible, and I would prefer to stay with the fact that you were born either as a male or a female.
I’m sorry Google: there aren’t 72 different genders.
There are only two.
And that is a fact
So, my first question is, “When did they first pick it up and know that it was in our sovereign air space?”!
I’m just glad that it didn’t float over my area of North Mississippi! I KNOW that there would have been several down home rednecks who would have tried taking a shot or two at it!
We can’t blame the CCP for trying to do what they do. We do the same thing, although not with a balloon over the their ho meland airspace! But we ALL have sat’s in space looking down, spying on the other guy. We’ve had high altitude aircraft that we would fly over a country picking up data. Anyone remember the Cuban Missle Crisis?
BUT, I blame President Biden and the American military that seems now days to be more interested in wokeism and diversity projects than in developing the world’s most devastating fighting force!
The Pentagon says that they kept them from sending any classified information to China. But how do we know that for sure?
Then there was all the talk about international law. Look, IF the international law doesn’t allow you to shoot down unmanned spy aircraft from being over your sensitive military sites, then forget the international law! It needs to be changed.
This was an international fiasco! The balloon was not about collecting data that they couldn’t collect via sat’s, BUT, it was all about testing our resolve, and our response times!
May the Lord protect us from our enemies, because we sure don’t have a military or government that will!
(Note: There are many wonderful military members that are ready to fight and would do so to the death to protect us. I am not talking about them! I am focusing like a laser on the government, this administration that refuses to react and to ACT in an American kind of way to the threats that are upon us!)
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